(Bulgaria) Seminar in Turkish Villages, “Cleansed me and sanctified me.”

“My God, he has forgiven me and blest me.
God took the heavy load of sin, and washed me and sanctified me.
I am now a new man and a new creation. Life with the Lord is so beautiful.”
(Hymn of Pastor Isco)

Hymn of Pastor Isco

Pastor Isco was invited to the Sleeven village Bible conference so he attended from Cellopanicherevo.

After hearing the word he desperately pleaded that we come to his church the next day and preach, so we changed our schedule and went to his church, and before the sermon time as he gave his testimony we could not help but to give glory unto God.

Pastor Isco and his Wife
“There is something I want to say to you. I was actually quite tired. There were people abusing the church, there were people who came to church but made me feel greatly tired, therefore I had the heart of wanting to rest and wanting to disappear somewhere. But as I heard the word of the Korean Pastor in Sleeven my heart was completely changed. After I came home I couldn’t fall asleep. I stayed awake for the whole night and I went to the early morning service at 5:30am and because I was unable to bare this heart of thankfulness I made a hymn. I will sing this hymn to you and I want to say sorry to those who were troubled due to me.” (Pastor Isco/Bulgaria Cellopanicherevo)

Good News Mission Bulgaria Plovdiv Church

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