The Unforgettable World Camp in the Dominican Republic

October 20th 2014!
Under the hot sun in Santiago, Dominican Republic, the warm love of God could be felt through the establishment of the 4th World Camp. The World Camp, which was held from the 20th to the 23rd, attracted approximately 1700 students from various South American countries such as Peru, Chile, Mexico and Columbia. 

“God has put the most precious things in the lowest place. You can find diamonds deep into the mountain or underground. Oil? Oil is very important, right? You can find it deep inside the earth. Just like how God put those precious things into those deep places it is the same with wisdom. People who think that they themselves are good cannot gain wisdom. That is because, in order to receive wisdom, you need to have the lowest heart. But I hope that through this camp, you will find wisdom! If you gain this wisdom you will live a very different and surprising life.” (The Opening Message from Pastor Yeong Kook Park) .... Read More

(A Mustard Seed) First Fruit at Apgok-dong

In 1963, I was staying at a village called, “Saeteo” in Apgok-dong and witnessing the gospel. One day, a young man called me early in the morning, “Minister, minister!” because a young man, who had gone to the army from his village, worked as a driver in the army and died in an accident, and his corpse was sent to the village. According to the tradition of the village, a person who died outside the village cannot come into the village, so they placed the corpse outside the village. Not knowing how to go about the funeral, the villagers discussed what to do. “There is a minister living across from our village, so let’s do it the church way,” and he came to ask me to lead the funeral. I was often starving during that time, so I was able to eat well and lead the funeral.

Since then, I went to the village, called “Apshil,” every Thursday and preached the Word. I would visit houses all afternoon to witness, and during dinner time, I would sit in the woods to take a rest and pray. It was because the chief of the village told me that everyone in the village was so poor that if I were to ask for a spoonful of rice, then I would be kicked out of the village right away. When dinner time is over, I would gather people in a small room to preach the Word, and come back home late at night as I crossed over the mountain. At the time, there were many animals in the mountain, so the road was very dangerous.

Soon, there were many more people who listened to the Word, so I moved from Saeteo to Apshil. I rented a small room in a house and preached the gospel. I spent most of my morning reading the Bible. One day, someone visited the landlady. In the countryside, it is so quiet that one could hear a chicken crowing or a dog barking, and as the landlady was sitting on the floor, smoking, a lady came, and they spoke to one another. ... Read More

(Bulgaria) Seminar in Turkish Villages, “Cleansed me and sanctified me.”

“My God, he has forgiven me and blest me.
God took the heavy load of sin, and washed me and sanctified me.
I am now a new man and a new creation. Life with the Lord is so beautiful.”
(Hymn of Pastor Isco)

Hymn of Pastor Isco

Pastor Isco was invited to the Sleeven village Bible conference so he attended from Cellopanicherevo.

After hearing the word he desperately pleaded that we come to his church the next day and preach, so we changed our schedule and went to his church, and before the sermon time as he gave his testimony we could not help but to give glory unto God.

Pastor Isco and his Wife
“There is something I want to say to you. I was actually quite tired. There were people abusing the church, there were people who came to church but made me feel greatly tired, therefore I had the heart of wanting to rest and wanting to disappear somewhere. But as I heard the word of the Korean Pastor in Sleeven my heart was completely changed. After I came home I couldn’t fall asleep. I stayed awake for the whole night and I went to the early morning service at 5:30am and because I was unable to bare this heart of thankfulness I made a hymn. I will sing this hymn to you and I want to say sorry to those who were troubled due to me.” (Pastor Isco/Bulgaria Cellopanicherevo)

Good News Mission Bulgaria Plovdiv Church

(Pastor Ock Soo Park's Faith) 3. Aspiration toward the Most Evangelical and True Church

'Grand Prize for the New Korean', 'The True Minister Award', '21st Century True Shepherd' The titles of the press release covering Pastor Ock Soo Park all show that they are focused on his inner features instead of outer features. Hyo Jin Oh of the Monthly Chosun, a former government spokesperson and an expert interviewer that only interviews people at the top of their field, ended his interview with a request to Pastor Park—"Someone like you, Pastor, should become known to the world. Many ministers in Korea are rotten, but you, Pastor, should not become corrupt".

"Pastor, if we are all like Jesus, what fun will there be in this world?"

"No. If we live with the heart of Jesus Christ, life will truly be fun!"

Unless it is the will of God, the heart will not budge! This is one aspect of faith at the core of Pastor Ock Soo Park's heart. This is the heart that led his life, and with the grace of God he was able to place the Good News Mission as the frontrunner in reform of the corrupt churches. The training in the mission school run by missionaries focused only on faith (The Shield of Faith Mission / President: Missionary Dick York), and it became the foundation of his faith. Even after his training, God grinded down his heart through many different processes. Looking at the life that Pastor Ock Soo Park walked even before the beginning of the Good News Mission, we can find this heart.

More than anything else, Pastor Ock Soo Park gave a lot of emphasis of the formation and the management of the church. He himself suffered in a church without the gospel, and many believers still suffer due to the problem of sin. In the three years he spent in the military, he saw the young Christians wandering in conflict, in doubt of faith, and grieved over the question, 'What is the most evangelical and the true church in this era?' In the reality of Korea, such churches are seldom found, and he had a strong aspiration of establishing a truly evangelical church in front of God. He poured his heart in preventing any aspects not based on faith, artificial or secular, from infiltrating in the church.

More than anything else, Pastor Ock Soo Park gave a lot of emphasis of the formation and the management of the church. He himself suffered in a church without the gospel, and many believers still suffer due to the problem of sin. In the three years he spent in the military, he saw the young Christians wandering in conflict, in doubt of faith, and grieved over the question, 'What is the most evangelical and the true church in this era?' In the reality of Korea, such churches are seldom found, and he had a strong aspiration of establishing a truly evangelical church in front of God. He poured his heart in preventing any aspects not based on faith, artificial or secular, from infiltrating in the church.

Afterwards, Minister Ock Soo Park began the children's mission work with invitations from five churches in the Kyungbuk province. Through this conference tour, he saw over a thousand children receive salvation and rejoice. This experience gave him the heart of wanting to live for this gospel for his whole life. Then with invitations from 25 churches, he continued the children's mission work and experienced the great works of God by receiving over 10,000 written testimonies of salvation.

In May of 1969, he began the work of the gospel in Kimcheon through the guidance of God. At the time Minister Park did not have any money to get a room, but he kept searching for a room as he waited for the grace of God. Then by chance he met a British missionary, John Anderson, on a bus. After spending a week with co-pastor Park at his place, John Anderson confessed,

"Since I came to Korea, I met countless numbers of ministers, but I haven't met anyone like you. Although we were only together for a week, I was able to see God living inside of you, so I want to live with you for a year."

Pastor Ock Soo Park's faith and the anticipation for the true church became the foundation of the Good News Mission. The Good News Mission became distinct and independent from the previous missions that were not based on the gospel. The Good News Mission is now the frontrunner on the road of reform that the past servants of God walked. Even now, Pastor Ock Soo Park fights endlessly and makes no concessions toward the reform of the Korean church, toward himself, or toward anything different from the will of God among the ministers and the saints of the Good News Mission.

"I am a fighter. I fight with myself, with ministers, with the saints of our church. People do not easily accept it when someone points out that this is not faith. So I fight again" (Pastor Ock Soo Par, April 2002, "Hyo Jin Oh's Human Expedition"

(Pastor Ock Soo Park's Faith) 2. Complete Devotion and Heart Focused on the Guidance of the Holy Spirit

"One day I went to the church, knelt down and prayed, 'God, thank you so much. But I have nothing to offer you. All I have is my own body, but where could this be useful? I am a human of no use, and I have nothing to offer you. So I will offer you my own body. If you would accept my body, I would gladly offer myself." (April 2002, Monthly Chosun, "Interview with Pastor Ock Soo Park")

On October 7, 1962, after a young Ock Soo Park was born again after being forgiven of his sins through the grace of God, he wanted to give an offering but regretted that he had nothing to offer, so he decided in his heart to offer his own body. From this day on, his life was not based on his own way but completely based on the will God and focused on the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The most important to him was to be where God wanted him to be and to live according to the image that God is pleased with. This is the primary reason why even through countless difficulties and hardships he was able to live an exemplary and sincere life of preaching the gospel. Finally, he received the attention of the media as the "New Leader in Christianity".

"Forty years ago during my ministry in Changpal-li, we were very poor and the chapel was hardly equipped. Especially in winter, I put on the Sunday School chart instead of a blanket, sleeping on the cold floor without heating. I feared, 'wouldn't I become a frozen corpse one day?' My home was close by in Seonsan, but lest I die depending on God, I did not want to go ask for help. One day, God showed me fish swimming around in the stream under the ice. He gave me the heart, "If God protects the fish under the ice, why wouldn't he protect me?' This heart helped me endure countless winters in my spiritual life." (Pastor Ock Soo Park's Testimony, "A Mustard Seed")
One with true faith of devotion is not tempted by or submitted to any difficulties because one with such faith has transcended a life based on individual profit and sacrifice. Life in the military often reveals the true image of faith because the military gives a lot of exposure to hardships and temptations. Many young Christians experience limits to their faith in the military, but the life of Minister Park was an exception. His service in the military between October 30, 1965 and June 8, 1965, clearly revealed his life of devoted faith.

"While I worked in the examination division, many trainees offered a lot of money requesting me to fabricate the test results for them to be dispatched to a southern base. Since this could easily be done, it was a great temptation. At the time I thought, 'If the Lord comes tonight, how would I receive him? No matter what, I should not disappoint the Lord,' so I was able to defeat this temptation. The Lord protected my heart through the truth that nothing I gain through breaking the Lord's heart is profitable." (Monthly Good News, August 2002)

"In the military God wanted me to read the Bible, pray, and preach the gospel. So I volunteered to be on duty from four in the morning, which was the shift that everyone hated. I spent these two hours to read the Bible and pray. Although I was a soldier, God allowed me to live like the military chaplain. I was able to lead the services every week and preach the gospel to many soldiers without going out of the base even once in the three years I spent in the military. By the time I was discharged, I was able to build a chapel with the support of the major general. Since God helped me in so many ways during my service in the military, my nickname became the 'Extremely Lucky Man'." (Monthly Good News, September 2002)

Even Pastor Park's life after being discharged from the military clearly shows that his decisions were not based on his own will or desire but on the will of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This means that his life was a life of complete devotion to God with a heart focused on the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This heart is at the core of his faith and at the core of over 40 years of his life consistently dedicated to the gospel.

The press covering Pastor Ock Soo Park takes note of the fact that problems commonly found is numerous ministers today are not found in the life of Pastor Ock Soo Park in the 45 years he spent preaching the gospel since he was born again in 1962.

"When I first began the church, I was afraid that I might lead the church and the saints in a wrong direction, so I led the church while praying and being guided by the Bible and the Holy Spirit. God led our church in the same direction that churches with the gospel had walked, so I can only thank and glorify God."

(Pastor Ock Soo Park's Faith) 1. Pastor Ock Soo Park's Faith and its Formation

In the church I attended before I was born again, the pastor and elder alike accepted that we were sinners. Everyone prayed for repentance after committing sins, but no one seriously worried about sins or had the urge to completely be resolved from the problem of sin. Nevertheless, I really wanted my sin to be resolved. I struggled not to sin, received counseling, prayed for repentance, and did volunteer work. However, I was still in pain because the problem of my sin was still not resolved." (Pastor Ock Soo Park, April 2001, Monthly JoongAng, "Korea's New Christian Leaders")

Influenced by his mother who attended church as a young woman, Pastor Ock Soo Park attended a Presbyterian Church in his hometown, Seonsan. However, he always felt guilt and pain due to his problem of sin. Most of the Korean churches at the time taught prayer of repentance as a solution for sins. However, the churches did not know about eternal redemption obtained through faith in the blood of Jesus (Hebrews 9:12). Only to make matters worse, these churches acknowledged that people were saved if they came to church and confessed that they believed in Jesus. As a young man, however, Ock Soo Park was questioned of his salvation through Missionary Kays Glass (WEC Mission, United Kingdom). Since then, he could not take the matter of sin and salvation lightly. So through methods of individual counseling, prayers for repentance, all night prayer, fasting, and volunteer work, he tried to resolve his problem of sins.

Sadly however, the church he attended did not have the true gospel that could resolve the problem of sin. By 1962, a young Ock Soo Park experienced severe pain that even made him suicidal, but through the grace of God, on October 7 of that year, his sin was resolved. During an early morning prayer that day, his problem of sin was resolved through believing in the word that Jesus Christ cleansed us of all our sins when Jesus was crucified on the cross. This process made Pastor Ock Soo Park feel sorrow toward those in pain because of the problem of sin. This also gave him the strong aspiration to deliver the happiness of redemption through the gospel. This desire naturally led him to focus his faith and ministry on evangelical preaching, and this led him to get the nick name of "Redemption Pastor". We should be reminded that most of the evangelists that God used throughout the history of Christianity, such as Martin Luther, John Wesley, and Charles Spurgeon, all poured their hearts to resolve the problem of sin while attending a church that was not born again.

(A Mustard Seed) Training of Faith through No-Money Trip

Pastor Ock Soo Park's Testimony

I had lived struggling, worrying whenever I faced difficulties because of lack of faith that God is together with me even after I received salvation. But the missionary who trained us in the missionary school taught a life of faith completely different from what I was accustomed to.
He told us “Don’t bring money from home or try to earn money. Do not insinuate to the other people that you need money either.” And he told us “You should eat food, take the bus and buy notebooks to make notes.” The economy of Korea was not good then; it was the early 1960s and we expected that we should be able to eat chocolates, sandwiches or drink coffee as we are being trained by an American missionary who should have lots of money. But he never gave us anything and only told us to “Ask God for everything.” So we had to skip meals frequently.
As a matter of fact, we were praying to God but we had a vague heart without having faith that God will really give everything we need. Even while we were praying, our heart was full of human thought “Won’t somebody send some money?” or “Won’t dad send some rice from the house?” Sometimes we got some food but were confused and not sure if really God heard and responded to our prayer or people just had sympathy on us.
One day, the missionary told us “You are going on a no-money witnessing trip from next Monday. Pray and prepare for it during this week.” On the next Monday morning, the missionary and we sat together. Missionary said he was also going on a mission trip for the week and prepared a big bunch of Korean flyers. Before we depart, the missionary was putting his hand in his pocket and we thought “Ah he is going to give us money for the trip.” He took out some money and put it down before us. It was a small amount of money, less than 10 dollars. And he said “You do the same thing.” Not much money came out of the pocket of other missionary students but a significant amount of money came out of my partner who used to be a pastor of another church before he received salvation. How bitter was it to me! Missionary instructed one person to put all that money into the offering box and gave each team the destination they were being sent.
“Come back after one week. I am not going with you so I may not know what you are doing. But God knows it all. Never beg or ask for help to the people and ask God only. If you are truly the servants of God, He will surely help you.”... Read More

San Antonio Gracias Choir Christmas Cantata

Audience Reaction of Gracias Choir Christmas Cantata in San Antonio

 “I requested for tickets after hearing about the Cantata on the radio. I am a pastor in charge of the Sunday School in my church, and I thought what would be the best gift I could give to the Sunday School students and I thought it would be the Christmas Cantata tickets therefore I requested for 150 tickets. I handed out the tickets one by one to the Sunday School students and their families. I handed out the tickets saying ‘you have to make sure that you come!’. (Laughter) There are many people who don’t know what God has done for us, but I think it is great to let people know about God through this beautiful performance! Thank you for the very touching performance!” – Evie

Read More About San Antonio Christmas Cantata >>

(A Mustard Seed) Do You Have a Father?

Pastor Ock Soo Park's Testimony

When I was receiving missionary training under Missionary Dick York, whatever we needed we couldn’t ask anyone for it or hint that we needed anything. We could only ask God. At the time, our country was hungry and poor. If Missionary Dick York sent one letter to America he wouldn’t have to suffer, but even while starving and shivering in a cold room, he depended only upon God. We, who were being trained, often ran out of food and starved. This one day as well, there was no food, so in the morning we gathered at the table and drank hot water. The missionary saw this and called each person and began to hold interviews. It soon became my turn.

Did you eat breakfast?” he asked.
No, I haven’t,” I replied.
Why did you starve?”
Because there was no food.”
How can starving due to me not having food be my fault?
Why didn’t you have food?” he asked.
Even though he knew we had no money to buy food, I had no idea why he was asking these questions. That is why I sat there without saying a word. Then he asked me another question.
Brother Ock Soo Park, do you have a father?”
I had both the father of my flesh, and my father, my Lord, so I answered, “Yes, I do.”
If you ask your father to give you food, will he give you food or not?”
Yeah, in the Bible it says that if we ask it will be given to us, but in reality is that how it really is?” I thought to myself.
Even though I said I believed in God, they were just words. Those words had nothing to do with my actual life. However, that day’s interview was unforgettable.
Each time I preach the Word, I know the Lord recorded that He cleansed all of our sins in the Bible, but they were always just the Words in the Bible to many. In reality, most people have sin still remaining in their hearts.

No matter how much Bible we know, to those who have not been able to cleanse sin from their heart, it is all simply knowledge, not faith. The Words in the Bible aren’t knowledge, but the power of the living God. In truth, do we believe in the God who works in our lives? Is it the Word of power something that is accurately fulfilled in my life? When we cannot believe that God will help us, we seek help from man and can only use humanistic methods. I live depending only on God, and while depending only on Him, I began to learn the principles of doing the works of the gospel.

(A Mustard Seed) I Am Not a Chosen Man!

Pastor Ock Soo Park's Testimony

Mother attended church when she was single. She then married into our family. At that time, when I was young, it was impossible for my mother to let her parents-in-law know that she attended church. I heard my mother often singing praises while she was sowing because they did not like churchgoers. “Lord Jesus Christ, when He comes to the world. . . .” She then started to take us to church. Before I had any sense I was attending church, and even after I got matured I continued. During Sunday school, summer Bible school, and preparation for Christmas, etc., there were many fun events at church. I received a lot of rewards and praises, and different from the other kids, I could truly say that I was raised in the church. Because I had been taught by the Sunday school teachers and the pastor while I was growing up, it would have been normal for me to become a good person.
However, it wasn’t like that. As I got older I committed more sins. At first I thought, “I would just commit a few sins, and it would be all right if I didn’t commit too many.” With this thought in mind, I committed just a few sins with my friends. Strangely enough, when I didn’t commit sins I wasn’t having fun at all, but when I committed sins, it was terribly enjoyable. That is how I grew up, eating and drinking sins. On Sunday when I went to church, it was agonizing.

And then I went to Seoul with my seniors and attended school. I received a monthly allowance, but for three months no money was sent. My roommates kept on badgering me about the rent and the monthly expenses. It got so bad that I didn’t want to go home. And so I thought, “I can’t go on this way, so I will earn some money.” Just then, I saw an ad for paper delivery so I went to the regent office and met the director and had an interview. If I wanted to work I had to bring in a deposit so that I wouldn’t take off with the money that I would make from selling the paper. At that time the amount was quite large, but I managed to gather the funds. When the director said, “If you quit before three months’ time, you’d lose the deposit; You still want the job?” I agreed to take it. After we drew up a contract I received on account for three hundred houses.

Every month I should collect the amount that was due, and then what was left over was mine. When I calculated, I figured out that I would make a profit from about fifty to sixty houses. I worked hard for a month, and then when I went to collect the money, they said, “Who asked for the paper to be delivered?” And they didn’t pay for the papers. About fifty to sixty houses didn’t pay. When the accounts were given to me, even houses that did not order the papers were included in that number of three hundred. The newspapers which were to be delivered, kept on coming, but the orders were fewer than the supply. I worked really hard for a month but there was no profit. There was no way that I could work like that. When I thought about the deposit, which I’d lose it if I quit before three months’ time, I knew that the deliverers were being cheated. I thought about how to take revenge. Then, after collecting the amount that was due for the papers that had been delivered, the sum was double the deposit, so I decided to take off with the money.
I was nervous about staying in Seoul, so came back to my hometown. My father and brothers asked why I returned, yet I couldn’t say anything. If I had told the adults, it would not have been such a big deal, but I was really afraid. When my father called me, I could not answer and I could not look up at him. During supper time, I didn’t want to face him, so sometimes I would skip a meal. I received letters from the school in Seoul and also from my roommates stating that whatever the problem was, they would be responsible. I ripped up the letters. After a month or two the issue was resolved, but because the countryside was so boring, I could not continue to live there. I was told to go work in the barley field. I worked all day, but the work was endless. Life in the country was dull and all I did with my friends was commit sins. . . . There was nothing to do there, so I attended church.

When I went to church it seemed like Jesus would be coming soon, but if He did come, I was fearful that I would go to hell. Full of fear, sin, and guilt ridden, the year 1962 was a year I did not want to remember. I could not continue my studies, farming, nor was I qualified to take the civil service exam. I couldn’t even go into the army because I had failed the physical exam due to dental problems. Nothing was going right. God drove me into the corner of suffering, at which time I realized that “There is no one on earth as wretched as I am.” In the past, I was cocky and thought that I was intelligent. I now began to entertain the thought of dying, but because my thoughts were so chaotic, I could not even die. When one thinks about dying, he must just do it, but if he considers this or that thought, it’s too hard to die. And I was also fearful of death. When I think back on the situation in Seoul I remember how I thought that I was in the right, but then after going to church, I realized that it was a sin. I was in such agony that I began to drink and to smoke.

Whenever my friends and I got together we would go to the peanut and sweet potato fields. One time we went into a field and ate a lot of peanuts but later we found out that it was our field. Whenever we got together with the young people at church, it was time for party. At that time all the young people carried a small pocket The New Testament Bible; after service was over we would eat and be merry. I was fine when we were being entertained, but later when I stood alone before God I was in anguish. I would say to myself, “Until now I’ve been bad, but from now on, I am going to have a change of heart and I will be good.” I thought if I were determined to try this or that, it would work. However, the strange thing was that when I tried hard and I thought it would work, it didn’t. During revival services and every New Year, I was determined not to sin. “This time it’s going to work.” I would repent crying, yet I would soon fall into sin again. That was why I thought, “Oh, I am not a chosen man! I am chosen to go to hell. Therefore, I’ll just continue to sin, and with a comforted heart I’ll go to hell.” But when I committed sins my heart wasn’t comfortable, so I returned to church.

One day during a revival service I heard that Jesus cleansed us of all our sins on the cross. When I heard this, I felt good, but when I heard, “If we have the forgiveness of sin, our sin will no longer be remembered.” After hearing the word, I became confused. “Since I remember my sins, my sins can not be forgiven.” This is why I worried for a whole year. I went to church when there was no service, shouting I asked, “God, tell me whether my sin is gone or not?” I didn’t look to the Scriptures but was looking for God’s voice. Yet, there was no response. I followed the deacons, the elders, and the pastors who had walked the spiritual path. I lived a life of repenting and confessing that I was a sinner. I confessed, “God, today I committed this sin, please forgive me!”
When there were people around me, I was embarrassed so I attended the early morning service. I would go to the chapel early in the morning, lit the lamps and rang the bell. The bell was so big, one meter in diameter, thus I had to swing on the rope to ring it. After ringing the bell in that fashion, I would go to the pastor’s home and say, “Pastor, it’s time for the morning service.” I was so zealous that I even repented of my sins. “Lord, yesterday I committed this and that kind of sin, please forgive me. Help me not to sin today. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!” After confessing my sins I felt good. However, I lived life as if I were running in a hamster’s wheel, I knew something was wrong. My heart kept telling me that God was not pleased with this, saying that I believed in Jesus and committing sins and then repenting. . . . When I went to church, my heart would ache terribly. Although I committed sins, I was unable to repent in regards to the origin of the sins, therefore I cried again and confessed my sins. I did not have a normal nor a good relationship with God, I merely spoke about all the sins I committed.
Something was wrong with my spiritual life but I didn’t know what it was like, so one night I went and sought my pastor.
Pastor, I came to discuss my spiritual life.”
Oh, Mr. Park, come on in.”
Pastor, I’m embarrassed to say but I must say this. When I was in Seoul, I committed this and that kind of sins. I’ve confessed my sins and in order to bear the fruit of repentance I repaid them as well. No matter what the root of my sin, it exists and continues to bother me. Pastor, what shall I do? If this is not resolved, I can no longer continue to have a spiritual life.”
That conversation was so serious that I can still recall what was said.
Mr. Park, I have three daughters who go to school away from home. There’s no way of knowing what sort of sins they’re committing. Mr. Park, in their youth, everyone commits such sins. I can’t say that they don’t commit such sins just because they are my daughters. Mr. Park, these are times when you really need faith, if you fall into this kind of situation you will be ruined, it will be the end of you. These are times for you to pray with zeal, and to have a faithful spiritual life. Mr. Park, do you understand?”
Yes, I do.”
Although I answered, I had no strength. I knew about praying diligently and reading the Bible before the pastor told me. However, I tried but it didn’t work. So thereafter I was bound by sin and was in agony yet there was no one to witness the gospel to me.

In the year of 1962, October 7th, I was praying alone in the chapel on a Sunday morning. I was confessing all the sins which I could remember, then the people came in for the service. I stopped praying but after they left I continued to pray again. But that morning, the fact that Jesus cleansed all my sin on the cross came right into my heart. Back then it was not like it is now; there was no one to explain to me about sin offerings in the Old Testament nor about the sacrifice of sins forever. “Then all of my sins are forgiven!” As I thought on these things, my heart was comforted. Amazingly, from then on, I began to change without realizing it. I knew that God who seemed far away in the past, was now near to me. I began to pray for each and everything that was in my heart, not like before. The more I read the Scriptures, the more enjoyable it was, and the Bible did not leave my hands, and many times I would sleep with the Bible in my arms.

Before God had saved me, God wanted to show me what kind of person I really was. I came to realize that I was totally incapable and so filled with sins and that I belonged in hell as a filthy sinner. When I had no hope, God saved me. After being saved, when I look back on the life I led, I hated it so much that I only looked upon God. When I didn’t depend on myself and only looked upon God, amazingly God held me and began to guide me by His grace. (Adpated from A Grain of Mustard Seed by Pastor Ock Soo Park)

(USA) Holy Night in Las Vegas

“Folks, the meaning of the name Jesus is ‘He will save his people from their sins’. In regards to forgiveness the heart of the forgiver is more important then the person being forgiven. God as soon as Jesus was sent on earth to wash our sins, wanted to forgive our sins. God said that we have been cleansed, justified and sanctified. There is no reason for you to be in pain because of sin. You have all been forgiven already by the Lord!”

 The citizens of Las Vegas through the Christmas Cantata met the true heart of God. This was the prairie and the pasture which solved their third and gave them rest.
 Holy Night which was sang by all the audiences, although they have never practiced with the Gracias Choir, the harmony which they mad was more moving and beautiful then any other songs.

 I came here after seeing the Dear Neighbor letter on my car. Yesterday I wanted to request more tickets, but was worried because the performance was only one day away, but when I phoned them they were able to provide me with some tickets. That is why I came with my children. The performance was great. Especially, Anna’s story in the second act was the best. I really like the scene where the troublemaker Anna changed after realizing the importance and love of the family. The word of pastor was great too. I think it is truly time for us to know the heart of God. God’s love must be the priority. I think if that is not the priority then all other things are meaningless. Thank you.” – Yavamis

Las Vegas, a city sought by those searching for flesh’s pleasure. The empty heart which couldn’t be filled after sinning was able to be filled and their thirst quenched through the Gospel which was preached. Christmas Cantata which provides the birth of Christ which the people dearly sought for. It was thankfulness and glory that one cannot express with words. In the Sin City, Las Vegas, the mercy of God reached out to them. People spend the holy night with the Gracias Choir secretly shedding tears thinking of the Lord who entered their filthy hearts which is like the manger,

(USA) 2014 San Jose Christmas Cantata

Flint Center is the main auditorium for De Anza College and has the capacity of 2400 seats. The auditorium is divided into 3 floors, there are balcony seats on each side and the modern and luxurious interior also catches the eye.

 The first Christmas Cantata in San Jose started with great expectations from many audiences.

 When threatened by the Roman Soldiers, as the Israelites sang “O, Come, O Come Emmanuel” in wait for the Messiah. The audience who looked upon this also called upon a Messiah to save them from the pains in their heart.

“Many people being unaware of God’s heart living in pain. A certain price has to be paid in order for the committed sins to be forgiven, and for this God has sent Jesus to pay the price however many people still try receive forgiveness through their own methods. The heart that God has isn’t the heart of wanting us to suffer, but rather receiving the forgiveness of sin through believing Jesus’ heart.”

Pastor Joseph Park preached the heart of God to the citizens of San Jose. As soon as the message finished it was met with endless applause.

“Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful..! It was songs which overwhelmingly warmed my heart. All of the three acts were great, but the first act which portrayed the birth of Jesus was most touching. The songs which the choir sang, and I was surprised by the way in which they illustrated Jesus’ birth. The message of pastor who said that we live not knowing the heart of God very well also touched my heart, I think now is the time for me to return to the true meaning of Christmas and cherish God’s heart in my heart too. Thank you for inviting me to the performance.” – Pat

A savior has come in to the hearts of people in San Jose. Their hearts were filled with joy and happiness. There was not a single audience who exited the auditorium with the same heart as when they entered the center. Just like how one citizen stated that It is now time to return to the true meaning of Christmas and cherish the heart of God,’ audiences who filled 2400 seats returned home having cherished God in their hearts.